Contact: Malgorzata Cieslinska

Buying property in Poland

This Ebook will teach you how to get started with buying property in Poland.

An EBook On how to invest in  property in poland

There are Nine chapters to the book:

1.Introduction to Poland
2.Why invest in Poland
3.Facts and Figures
4.Traveling to Poland.
5.Regions to Poland
6.What to buy
7.The buying process.
9.Resource Directory

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About the author.

My name is Malgorzata Cieslinska. I am come from Poland. I graduated from the Jagiellonian Uniwersyty in Poland in 2005. Due to high level of employment I decided to come to England, London. I started working as a bartender and then as Sales Assistant in High Street shops. My last job was as an Inventory Clerk. Due to personal problems I had to leave England. In Poland I started job as a Administative Assistant in one of the corporations in Krakow, Poland. After few years I felt burn out and started looking for another way  to make money. One of them was Internet Marketing. I am pasionate about property thats why I recommand the e-boook about investing in Poland.
